The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Algorithm - Boyer-Moore Majority Voting

A good design of an algorithm is never making the problem more complicated, instead, you will find it so simple that normally takes a few lines of code yet maintains the time and space complexity minimal.


Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊n/2⌋ times.

Note: You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always exists in the array.

LeetCode 169

Algorithm - LRU

In computer science, there are many cache algorithms in order to optimize the cache of information stored on the computer.

Normally, there is limited capacity for the cache allocated on the computer, and the computer needs to update the cache or delete the cache if the cache is full. There are many common algorithms for optimizing cache on a computer like: FIFO (First in first out), LFU (Least frequently used), LRU (Least recently used).

Today we are focusing on implementing the LRU (Least recently used) cache algorithm.







本文翻译并总结Martin Fowler的个人网站中有关微服务的资源指南。Martin是书籍《重构:改善既有代码的设计》的作者,很早就开始关注微服务的架构设计。这篇指南主要由Martin个人所甄选的有关微服务架构设计的文章,视频,书籍和博客组成。也希望通过这篇指南给关注微服务架构的人一个上手的起点。


昨天Team Lead在slack上发了个消息,让我瞬间觉得“专注”是一个很重要的品质。

之前听村哥说我们的Team Lead以前是搞机器学习Reinforcement Learning。结果跑到SSENSE来做了全栈,但是短短3年时间就成长为了Team Lead。人才做啥都能成人才。